The aim of this resource pack is to enable learners with limited literacy, attention span, and/or comprehension to enjoy and engage with the story and to use higher order thinking skills in reflecting on it.
The pack contains: a set of nine pictures with very short text and a question; a longer text version of the story; and three suggested lesson plans. All the resources are free and downloadable. Previews of the story and lesson plans are at the bottom of this page. You may use the resources for personal and/or classroom use – please see the copyright notice below.
Nine pictures with short text and a question
- Designed to include students with short attention and limited comprehension, each picture is a mini story in its own right, showing a key moment in the bigger story of Exodus.
- Set in modern-day Britain, with details familiar to many young people.
- With very short, accessible text and a question, designed to be a starting point for debate and reflection.
Click on a picture to open a downloadable version in a new tab.
A longer text version of the story – Download Here
This gives more background to the story, for teachers and/or pupils with more advanced reading skills.
Three lesson plans
These lesson plans support pupils to:
- Raise and investigate questions prompted by the story
- Describe/explain what the story shows about key beliefs and concepts within the religious tradition
- Reflect on their own responses to the story and the questions raised.
- There are three murders in the story. Are any of them justified? Why/why not?
What is a Burning Bush Doing in the Story – Download Here
- Pupils are introduced to the concept of symbol and explore the meaning of the Burning Bush in the story.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? Download Here
- Should Moses choose his quiet life in Midian, or go back and help the slaves in Egypt? Why/Why not?

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0